!******************************************************************************** !> \brief Constitutive equations !******************************************************************************** MODULE constitutive_2d USE parameters_2d, ONLY : n_eqns , n_vars USE parameters_2d, ONLY : rheology_flag , rheology_model USE parameters_2d, ONLY : temperature_flag USE parameters_2d, ONLY : solid_transport_flag IMPLICIT none LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: implicit_flag(:) CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: phase1_name CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: phase2_name COMPLEX*16 :: h !< height [m] COMPLEX*16 :: u !< velocity (x direction) COMPLEX*16 :: v !< velocity (y direction) COMPLEX*16 :: T !< temperature COMPLEX*16 :: xs !< sediment concentration !> gravitational acceleration REAL*8 :: grav !> drag coefficients (Voellmy-Salm model) REAL*8 :: mu REAL*8 :: xi !> drag coefficients (plastic model) REAL*8 :: tau !> evironment temperature [K] REAL*8 :: T_env !> radiative coefficient REAL*8 :: rad_coeff !> friction coefficient REAL*8 :: frict_coeff !> fluid density [kg/m3] REAL*8 :: rho !> reference temperature [K] REAL*8 :: T_ref !> reference kinematic viscosity [m2/s] REAL*8 :: nu_ref !> viscosity parameter [K-1] (b in Table 1 Costa & Macedonio, 2005) REAL*8 :: visc_par !> velocity boundary layer fraction of total thickness REAL*8 :: emme !> specific heat [J kg-1 K-1] REAL*8 :: c_p !> atmospheric heat trasnfer coefficient [W m-2 K-1] (lambda in C&M, 2005) REAL*8 :: atm_heat_transf_coeff !> fractional area of the exposed inner core (f in C&M, 2005) REAL*8 :: exp_area_fract !> Stephan-Boltzmann constant [W m-2 K-4] REAL*8, PARAMETER :: SBconst = 5.67D-8 !> emissivity (eps in Costa & Macedonio, 2005) REAL*8 :: emissivity !> thermal boundary layer fraction of total thickness REAL*8 :: enne !> temperature of lava-ground interface REAL*8 :: T_ground !> thermal conductivity [W m-1 K-1] (k in Costa & Macedonio, 2005) REAL*8 :: thermal_conductivity !--- Lahars rheology model parameters !> 1st parameter for yield strenght empirical relationship (O'Brian et al, 1993) REAL*8 :: alpha2 !> 2nd parameter for yield strenght empirical relationship (O'Brian et al, 1993) REAL*8 :: beta2 !> 1st parameter for fluid viscosity empirical relationship (O'Brian et al, 1993) REAL*8 :: alpha1 !> 2nd parameter for fluid viscosity empirical relationship (O'Brian et al, 1993) REAL*8 :: beta1 !> Empirical resistance parameter REAL*8 :: Kappa !> Mannings roughness coefficient ( units: T L^(-1/3) ) REAL*8 :: n_td !> Specific weight of water REAL*8 :: gamma_w !> Specific weight of sediments REAL*8 :: gamma_s !> parametres Pouliquen REAL*8 :: beta REAL*8 :: theta1 REAL*8 :: theta2 REAL*8 :: hstop REAL*8 :: L REAL*8 :: d !> parametres Bingham REAL*8 :: eta REAL*8 :: thet REAL*8 :: tau_bing !> parametres weakening REAL*8 :: mu_0 REAL*8 :: mu_w REAL*8 :: U_0 CONTAINS !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Initialization of relaxation flags ! !> This subroutine set the number and the flags of the non-hyperbolic !> terms. !> \date 07/09/2012 !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE init_problem_param USE parameters_2d, ONLY : n_nh ALLOCATE( implicit_flag(n_eqns) ) implicit_flag(1:n_eqns) = .FALSE. implicit_flag(2) = .TRUE. implicit_flag(3) = .TRUE. IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN IF ( temperature_flag ) implicit_flag(5) = .TRUE. ELSE IF ( temperature_flag ) implicit_flag(4) = .TRUE. END IF n_nh = COUNT( implicit_flag ) END SUBROUTINE init_problem_param !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Physical variables ! !> This subroutine evaluates from the conservative local variables qj !> the local physical variables (\f$h+B, u, v, xs , T \f$). !> \param[in] r_qj real conservative variables !> \param[in] c_qj complex conservative variables !> @author !> Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi !> \date 15/08/2011 !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE phys_var(Bj,r_qj,c_qj) USE COMPLEXIFY USE parameters_2d, ONLY : eps_sing IMPLICIT none REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bj REAL*8, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: r_qj(n_vars) COMPLEX*16, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: c_qj(n_vars) COMPLEX*16 :: qj(n_vars) IF ( present(c_qj) ) THEN qj = c_qj ELSE qj = DCMPLX(r_qj) END IF h = qj(1) - DCMPLX( Bj , 0.D0 ) IF ( REAL( h ) .GT. eps_sing ** 0.25D0 ) THEN u = qj(2) / h v = qj(3) / h ELSE u = DSQRT(2.D0) * h * qj(2) / CDSQRT( h**4 + eps_sing ) v = DSQRT(2.D0) * h * qj(3) / CDSQRT( h**4 + eps_sing ) END IF IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN IF ( REAL( h ) .GT. 1.D-25 ) THEN xs = qj(4) / h IF ( temperature_flag ) T = qj(5) / h ELSE xs = DSQRT(2.D0) * h * qj(4) / CDSQRT( h**4 + eps_sing ) IF ( temperature_flag ) THEN T = DSQRT(2.D0) * h * qj(5) / CDSQRT( h**4 + eps_sing ) END IF END IF ELSE IF ( temperature_flag ) THEN IF ( REAL( h ) .GT. 1.D-25 ) THEN T = qj(4) / h ELSE T = DSQRT(2.D0) * h * qj(4) / CDSQRT( h**4 + eps_sing ) END IF END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE phys_var !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Local Characteristic speeds x direction ! !> This subroutine desingularize the velocities and then evaluates the largest !> positive and negative characteristic speed in the x-direction. !> \param[in] qj array of conservative variables !> \param[in] Bj topography at the cell center !> \param[out] vel_min minimum x-velocity !> \param[out] vel_max maximum x-velocity !> @author !> Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi !> \date 05/12/2017 !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE eval_local_speeds_x(qj,Bj,vel_min,vel_max) IMPLICIT none REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: qj(n_vars) REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bj REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: vel_min(n_vars) , vel_max(n_vars) CALL phys_var(Bj,r_qj = qj) vel_min(1:n_eqns) = REAL(u) - DSQRT( grav * REAL(h) ) vel_max(1:n_eqns) = REAL(u) + DSQRT( grav * REAL(h) ) END SUBROUTINE eval_local_speeds_x !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Local Characteristic speeds y direction ! !> This subroutine desingularize the velocities and then evaluates the largest !> positive and negative characteristic speed in the y-direction. !> \param[in] qj array of conservative variables !> \param[in] Bj topography at the cell center !> \param[out] vel_min minimum y-velocity !> \param[out] vel_max maximum y-velocity !> @author !> Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi !> \date 05/12/2017 !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE eval_local_speeds_y(qj,Bj,vel_min,vel_max) IMPLICIT none REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: qj(n_vars) REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bj REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: vel_min(n_vars) , vel_max(n_vars) CALL phys_var(Bj,r_qj = qj) vel_min(1:n_eqns) = REAL(v) - DSQRT( grav * REAL(h) ) vel_max(1:n_eqns) = REAL(v) + DSQRT( grav * REAL(h) ) END SUBROUTINE eval_local_speeds_y !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Local Characteristic speeds ! !> This subroutine evaluates an the largest pos and neg characteristic speeds !> from the conservative variables qj, without any change on u and h. !> \param[in] qj array of conservative variables !> \param[in] Bj topography at the cell center !> \param[out] vel_min minimum x-velocity !> \param[out] vel_max maximum x-velocity !> @author !> Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi !> \date 05/12/2017 !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE eval_local_speeds2_x(qj,Bj,vel_min,vel_max) IMPLICIT none REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: qj(n_vars) REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bj REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: vel_min(n_vars) , vel_max(n_vars) REAL*8 :: h_temp , u_temp h_temp = qj(1) - Bj IF ( h_temp .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN u_temp = qj(2) / h_temp ELSE u_temp = 0.D0 END IF vel_min(1:n_eqns) = u_temp - DSQRT( grav * h_temp ) vel_max(1:n_eqns) = u_temp + DSQRT( grav * h_temp ) END SUBROUTINE eval_local_speeds2_x !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Local Characteristic speeds ! !> This subroutine evaluates an the largest pos and neg characteristic speeds !> from the conservative variables qj, without any change on v and h. !> \param[in] qj array of conservative variables !> \param[in] Bj topography at the cell center !> \param[out] vel_min minimum y-velocity !> \param[out] vel_max maximum y-velocity !> @author !> Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi !> \date 05/12/2017 !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE eval_local_speeds2_y(qj,Bj,vel_min,vel_max) IMPLICIT none REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: qj(n_vars) REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bj REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: vel_min(n_vars) , vel_max(n_vars) REAL*8 :: h_temp , v_temp h_temp = qj(1) - Bj IF ( h_temp .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN v_temp = qj(3) / h_temp ELSE v_temp = 0.D0 END IF vel_min(1:n_eqns) = v_temp - DSQRT( grav * h_temp ) vel_max(1:n_eqns) = v_temp + DSQRT( grav * h_temp ) END SUBROUTINE eval_local_speeds2_y !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Conservative to physical variables ! !> This subroutine evaluates from the conservative variables qc the !> array of physical variables qp:\n !> - qp(1) = \f$ h+B \f$ !> - qp(2) = \f$ u \f$ !> - qp(3) = \f$ v \f$ !> - qp(4) = \f$ xs \f$ !> - qp(5) = \f$ T \f$ !> . !> The physical variables are those used for the linear reconstruction at the !> cell interfaces. Limiters are applied to the reconstructed slopes. !> \param[in] qc conservative variables !> \param[out] qp physical variables !> \date 15/08/2011 !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE qc_to_qp(qc,B,qp) IMPLICIT none REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: qc(n_vars) REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: B REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: qp(n_vars) CALL phys_var(B,r_qj = qc) qp(1) = REAL(h+B) qp(2) = REAL(u) qp(3) = REAL(v) IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN qp(4) = REAL(xs) IF ( temperature_flag ) qp(5) = REAL(T) ELSE IF ( temperature_flag ) qp(4) = REAL(T) END IF END SUBROUTINE qc_to_qp !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Physical to conservative variables ! !> This subroutine evaluates the conservative variables qc from the !> array of physical variables qp:\n !> - qp(1) = \f$ h + B \f$ !> - qp(2) = \f$ u \f$ !> - qp(3) = \f$ v \f$ !> - qp(4) = \f$ xs \f$ !> - qp(5) = \f$ T \f$ !> . !> \param[in] qp physical variables !> \param[out] qc conservative variables !> \date 15/08/2011 !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE qp_to_qc(qp,B,qc) USE COMPLEXIFY IMPLICIT none REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: qp(n_vars) REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: B REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: qc(n_vars) REAL*8 :: r_hB !> topography + height REAL*8 :: r_u !> velocity REAL*8 :: r_v !> velocity REAL*8 :: r_xs !> sediment concentration REAL*8 :: r_T !> temperature r_hB = qp(1) r_u = qp(2) r_v = qp(3) qc(1) = r_hB qc(2) = ( r_hB - B ) * r_u qc(3) = ( r_hB - B ) * r_v IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN r_xs = qp(4) qc(4) = ( r_hB - B ) * r_xs IF ( temperature_flag ) THEN r_T = qp(5) qc(5) = ( r_hB - B ) * r_T END IF ELSE IF ( temperature_flag ) THEN r_T = qp(4) qc(4) = ( r_hB - B ) * r_T END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE qp_to_qc !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Reconstructed to conservative variables ! !> This subroutine evaluates the conservative variables qc from the !> array of physical variables qrec:\n !> - qrec(1) = \f$ h + B \f$ !> - qrec(2) = \f$ hu \f$ !> - qrec(3) = \f$ hv \f$ !> - qrec(4) = \f$ h \cdot xs \f$ !> - qrec(5) = \f$ T \f$ !> . !> \param[in] qrec physical variables !> \param[out] qc conservative variables !> \date 15/08/2011 !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE qrec_to_qc(qrec,B,qc) IMPLICIT none REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: qrec(n_vars) REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: B REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: qc(n_vars) REAL*8 :: r_hB !> topography + height REAL*8 :: r_u !> velocity REAL*8 :: r_v !> velocity REAL*8 :: r_xs !> sediment concentration REAL*8 :: r_T !> temperature ! Desingularization CALL phys_var(B,r_qj = qrec) r_hB = REAL(h) + B r_u = REAL(u) r_v = REAL(v) qc(1) = r_hB qc(2) = REAL(h) * r_u qc(3) = REAL(h) * r_v IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN r_xs = REAL(xs) qc(4) = REAL(h) * r_xs IF ( temperature_flag ) THEN r_T = REAL(T) qc(5) = REAL(h) * r_T END IF ELSE IF ( temperature_flag ) THEN r_T = REAL(T) qc(4) = REAL(h) * r_T END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE qrec_to_qc !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Hyperbolic Fluxes ! !> This subroutine evaluates the numerical fluxes given the conservative !> variables qj, accordingly to the equations for the single temperature !> model introduced in Romenki et al. 2010. !> \date 01/06/2012 !> \param[in] c_qj complex conservative variables !> \param[in] r_qj real conservative variables !> \param[out] c_flux complex analytical fluxes !> \param[out] r_flux real analytical fluxes !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE eval_fluxes(Bj,c_qj,r_qj,c_flux,r_flux,dir) USE COMPLEXIFY IMPLICIT none REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bj COMPLEX*16, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: c_qj(n_vars) COMPLEX*16, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: c_flux(n_eqns) REAL*8, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: r_qj(n_vars) REAL*8, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: r_flux(n_eqns) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: dir COMPLEX*16 :: qj(n_vars) COMPLEX*16 :: flux(n_eqns) COMPLEX*16 :: h_temp , u_temp , v_temp INTEGER :: i IF ( present(c_qj) .AND. present(c_flux) ) THEN qj = c_qj ELSEIF ( present(r_qj) .AND. present(r_flux) ) THEN DO i = 1,n_vars qj(i) = DCMPLX( r_qj(i) ) END DO ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'Constitutive, eval_fluxes: problem with arguments' STOP END IF IF ( dir .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! flux F (derivated wrt x in the equations) flux(1) = qj(2) h_temp = qj(1) - Bj IF ( REAL(h_temp) .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN u_temp = qj(2) / h_temp flux(2) = h_temp * u_temp**2 + 0.5D0 * grav * h_temp**2 flux(3) = u_temp * qj(3) IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN flux(4) = u_temp * qj(4) ! Temperature flux in x-direction: U*T*h IF ( temperature_flag ) flux(5) = u_temp * qj(5) ELSE ! Temperature flux in x-direction: U*T*h IF ( temperature_flag ) flux(4) = u_temp * qj(4) END IF ELSE flux(2:n_eqns) = 0.D0 ENDIF ELSEIF ( dir .EQ. 2 ) THEN ! flux G (derivated wrt y in the equations) flux(1) = qj(3) h_temp = qj(1) - Bj IF(REAL(h_temp).NE.0.d0)THEN v_temp = qj(3) / h_temp flux(2) = v_temp * qj(2) flux(3) = h_temp * v_temp**2 + 0.5D0 * grav * h_temp**2 IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN flux(4) = v_temp * qj(4) ! Temperature flux in x-direction: V*T*h IF ( temperature_flag ) flux(5) = v_temp * qj(5) ELSE ! Temperature flux in x-direction: V*T*h IF ( temperature_flag ) flux(4) = v_temp * qj(4) END IF ELSE flux(2:n_eqns) = 0.D0 ENDIF ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'Constitutive, eval_fluxes: problem with arguments' STOP ENDIF IF ( present(c_qj) .AND. present(c_flux) ) THEN c_flux = flux ELSEIF ( present(r_qj) .AND. present(r_flux) ) THEN r_flux = REAL( flux ) END IF END SUBROUTINE eval_fluxes !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Non-Hyperbolic terms ! !> This subroutine evaluates the non-hyperbolic terms (relaxation terms !> and forces) of the system of equations, both for real or complex !> inputs. These terms are treated implicitely in the DIRK numerical !> scheme. !> \date 01/06/2012 !> \param[in] c_qj complex conservative variables !> \param[in] r_qj real conservative variables !> \param[out] c_nh_term_impl complex non-hyperbolic terms !> \param[out] r_nh_term_impl real non-hyperbolic terms !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE eval_nonhyperbolic_terms( Bj , Bprimej_x , Bprimej_y , grav3_surf ,& c_qj , c_nh_term_impl , r_qj , r_nh_term_impl ) USE COMPLEXIFY USE parameters_2d, ONLY : sed_vol_perc IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bj REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bprimej_x, Bprimej_y REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: grav3_surf COMPLEX*16, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: c_qj(n_vars) COMPLEX*16, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: c_nh_term_impl(n_eqns) REAL*8, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: r_qj(n_vars) REAL*8, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: r_nh_term_impl(n_eqns) COMPLEX*16 :: qj(n_vars) COMPLEX*16 :: nh_term(n_eqns) COMPLEX*16 :: relaxation_term(n_eqns) COMPLEX*16 :: forces_term(n_eqns) INTEGER :: i COMPLEX*16 :: mod_vel COMPLEX*16 :: gamma REAL*8 :: radiative_coeff COMPLEX*16 :: radiative_term REAL*8 :: convective_coeff COMPLEX*16 :: convective_term COMPLEX*16 :: conductive_coeff , conductive_term REAL*8 :: thermal_diffusivity REAL*8 :: h_threshold REAL*8 :: mu_pouliquen REAL*8 :: mu_bingham REAL*8 :: mu_weak !--- Lahars rheology model variables !> Yield strenght COMPLEX*8 :: tau_y !> Fluid viscosity COMPLEX*8 :: fluid_visc !> Sediment volume fraction COMPLEX*8 :: sed_vol_fract_cmplx !> Specific weight of sediment mixture COMPLEX*8 :: gamma_m !> Total friction COMPLEX*8 :: s_f !> Yield slope component of total friction COMPLEX*8 :: s_y !> Viscous slope component of total Friction COMPLEX*8 :: s_v !> Turbulent dispersive slope component of total friction COMPLEX*8 :: s_td IF ( temperature_flag ) THEN IF ( ( thermal_conductivity .GT. 0.D0 ) .OR. ( emme .GT. 0.D0 ) ) THEN h_threshold = 1.D-10 ELSE h_threshold = 0.D0 END IF END IF IF ( present(c_qj) .AND. present(c_nh_term_impl) ) THEN qj = c_qj ELSEIF ( present(r_qj) .AND. present(r_nh_term_impl) ) THEN DO i = 1,n_vars qj(i) = DCMPLX( r_qj(i) ) END DO ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'Constitutive, eval_fluxes: problem with arguments' STOP END IF ! initialize and evaluate the relaxation terms relaxation_term(1:n_eqns) = DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0) ! initialize and evaluate the forces terms forces_term(1:n_eqns) = DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0) IF (rheology_flag) THEN CALL phys_var(Bj,c_qj = qj) mod_vel = CDSQRT( u**2 + v**2 ) ! Voellmy Salm rheology IF ( rheology_model .EQ. 1 ) THEN IF ( REAL(mod_vel) .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN ! IMPORTANT: grav3_surv is always negative forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) - ( u / mod_vel ) * & ( grav / xi ) * mod_vel ** 2 forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) - ( v / mod_vel ) * & ( grav / xi ) * mod_vel ** 2 ENDIF !Loi de Coulomb ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 8 ) THEN forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) ! Loi de Pouliquen ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 9 ) THEN IF ( REAL(mod_vel) .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN hstop = beta*h*sqrt(grav*rho)/mod_vel !mod_vel varie ? mu_pouliquen = tan(theta1)+(tan(theta2)-tan(theta1))*exp(-hstop/(L*d)) forces_term(2) = mu_pouliquen * grav * grav3_surf * h * (u/mod_vel) ! grav * grav3_surf ? forces_term(3) = mu_pouliquen * grav * grav3_surf * h * (v/mod_vel) ENDIF ! Loi de Bingham ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 10 ) THEN IF ( REAL(mod_vel) .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN mu_bingham = (1.5*tau_bing+3*eta*mod_vel/h)/(rho*grav*h*thet) forces_term(2) = mu_bingham * grav * grav3_surf * h * (u/mod_vel) forces_term(3) = mu_bingham * grav * grav3_surf * h * (v/mod_vel) ENDIF ! Loi de weakening ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 11 ) THEN mu_weak = (mu_0 - mu_w)/(1 + mod_vel/U_0) + mu_w forces_term(2) = mu_weak * grav * grav3_surf * h forces_term(3) = mu_weak * grav * grav3_surf * h ! Plastic rheology ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 2 ) THEN IF ( REAL(mod_vel) .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) - tau * (u/mod_vel) forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) - tau * (v/mod_vel) ENDIF ! Temperature dependent rheology ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 3 ) THEN IF ( REAL(h) .GT. h_threshold ) THEN ! Equation 6 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 gamma = 3.D0 * nu_ref / h * CDEXP( - visc_par * ( T - T_ref ) ) ELSE ! Equation 6 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 gamma = 3.D0 * nu_ref / h_threshold * CDEXP( - visc_par & * ( T - T_ref ) ) END IF IF ( REAL(mod_vel) .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN ! Last R.H.S. term in equation 2 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) - gamma * u ! Last R.H.S. term in equation 3 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) - gamma * v ENDIF ! Lahars rheology (O'Brien 1993, FLO2D) ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 4 ) THEN h_threshold = 1.D-20 sed_vol_fract_cmplx = DCMPLX(sed_vol_perc/100.D0,0.D0) ! Convert from mass fraction to volume fraction ! sed_vol_fract_cmplx = xs * gamma_w / ( xs * gamma_w + & ! ( DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0) - xs ) * gamma_s ) !IF ( xs .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN !WRITE(*,*) 'xs',xs !WRITE(*,*) 'sed_vol_fract',DBLE(sed_vol_fract_cmplx) !READ(*,*) !END IF ! Mixture density gamma_m = ( DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0) - sed_vol_fract_cmplx ) * gamma_w & + sed_vol_fract_cmplx * gamma_s ! Yield strength tau_y = alpha2 * CDEXP( beta2 * sed_vol_fract_cmplx ) ! Fluid viscosity fluid_visc = alpha1 * CDEXP( beta1 * sed_vol_fract_cmplx ) IF ( h .GT. h_threshold ) THEN ! Yield slope component s_y = tau_y / ( gamma_m * h ) ! Viscous slope component s_v = Kappa * fluid_visc * mod_vel / ( 8.D0 * gamma_m * h**2 ) ! Turbulent dispersive component s_td = n_td**2 * mod_vel**2 / ( h**(4.D0/3.D0) ) ! WRITE(*,*) 's_terms',REAL(s_y),REAL(s_v),REAL(s_td) ! WRITE(*,*) ' u', REAL(u) ELSE ! Yield slope component s_y = tau_y / ( gamma_m * h_threshold ) ! Viscous slope component s_v = Kappa * fluid_visc * mod_vel / ( 8.D0 * gamma_m * & h_threshold**2 ) ! Turbulent dispersive components s_td = n_td**2 * (mod_vel**2) / ( h_threshold**(4.D0/3.D0) ) END IF ! Total implicit friction slope s_f = s_v + s_td IF ( mod_vel .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) - grav * h * ( u / mod_vel ) * s_f forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) - grav * h * ( v / mod_vel ) * s_f END IF !WRITE(*,*) 's_terms',DBLE(s_y), & ! DBLE(Kappa * fluid_visc / ( 8.D0 * gamma_m * h**2 )), & ! DBLE(n_td**2 / ( h**(4.D0/3.D0) )) !WRITE(*,*) 'grav*h',grav*h !WRITE(*,*) 'eval_nh',DBLE(u),DBLE(forces_term(2)) ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 5 ) THEN tau = 1.D-3 / ( 1.D0 + 10.D0 * h ) * mod_vel IF ( DBLE(mod_vel) .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) - tau * ( u / mod_vel ) forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) - tau * ( v / mod_vel ) END IF ENDIF ENDIF IF ( temperature_flag ) THEN CALL phys_var(Bj,c_qj = qj) IF ( REAL(h) .GT. 0.d0 ) THEN ! Equation 8 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 radiative_coeff = emissivity * SBconst * exp_area_fract / ( rho * c_p ) ELSE radiative_coeff = 0.D0 END IF IF ( REAL(T) .GT. T_env ) THEN ! First R.H.S. term in equation 4 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 radiative_term = - radiative_coeff * ( T**4 - T_env**4 ) ELSE radiative_term = DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0) END IF IF ( REAL(h) .GT. 0.d0 ) THEN ! Equation 9 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 convective_coeff = atm_heat_transf_coeff * exp_area_fract & / ( rho * c_p ) ELSE convective_coeff = 0.D0 END IF IF ( REAL(T) .GT. T_env ) THEN ! Second R.H.S. term in equation 4 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 convective_term = - convective_coeff * ( T - T_env ) ELSE convective_term = DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0) END IF IF ( REAL(h) .GT. h_threshold ) THEN thermal_diffusivity = thermal_conductivity / ( rho * c_p ) ! Equation 7 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 conductive_coeff = enne * thermal_diffusivity / h ELSE conductive_coeff = DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0) conductive_coeff = enne * thermal_diffusivity / DCMPLX(h_threshold,0.D0) END IF ! Third R.H.S. term in equation 4 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 IF ( REAL(T) .GT. T_ground ) THEN conductive_term = - conductive_coeff * ( T - T_ground ) ELSE conductive_term = DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0) END IF IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN relaxation_term(5) = radiative_term + convective_term + conductive_term ELSE relaxation_term(4) = radiative_term + convective_term + conductive_term END IF END IF nh_term = relaxation_term + forces_term IF ( present(c_qj) .AND. present(c_nh_term_impl) ) THEN c_nh_term_impl = nh_term ELSEIF ( present(r_qj) .AND. present(r_nh_term_impl) ) THEN r_nh_term_impl = REAL( nh_term ) END IF END SUBROUTINE eval_nonhyperbolic_terms !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Non-Hyperbolic semi-implicit terms ! !> This subroutine evaluates the non-hyperbolic terms that are solved !> semi-implicitely by the solver. For example, any discontinuous term that !> appears in the friction terms. !> \date 20/01/2018 !> \param[in] c_qj complex conservative variables !> \param[in] r_qj real conservative variables !> \param[out] c_nh_term_impl complex non-hyperbolic terms !> \param[out] r_nh_term_impl real non-hyperbolic terms !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE eval_nh_semi_impl_terms( Bj , grav3_surf , c_qj , & c_nh_semi_impl_term , r_qj , r_nh_semi_impl_term ) USE COMPLEXIFY USE parameters_2d, ONLY : sed_vol_perc IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bj REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: grav3_surf COMPLEX*16, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: c_qj(n_vars) COMPLEX*16, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: c_nh_semi_impl_term(n_eqns) REAL*8, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: r_qj(n_vars) REAL*8, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: r_nh_semi_impl_term(n_eqns) COMPLEX*16 :: qj(n_vars) COMPLEX*16 :: forces_term(n_eqns) INTEGER :: i COMPLEX*16 :: mod_vel REAL*8 :: h_threshold !--- Lahars rheology model variables !> Yield strenght COMPLEX*8 :: tau_y !> Sediment volume fraction COMPLEX*8 :: sed_vol_fract_cmplx !> Specific weight of sediment mixture COMPLEX*8 :: gamma_m !> Yield slope component of total friction COMPLEX*8 :: s_y IF ( present(c_qj) .AND. present(c_nh_semi_impl_term) ) THEN qj = c_qj ELSEIF ( present(r_qj) .AND. present(r_nh_semi_impl_term) ) THEN DO i = 1,n_vars qj(i) = DCMPLX( r_qj(i) ) END DO ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'Constitutive, eval_fluxes: problem with arguments' STOP END IF ! initialize and evaluate the forces terms forces_term(1:n_eqns) = DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0) IF (rheology_flag) THEN CALL phys_var(Bj,c_qj = qj) mod_vel = CDSQRT( u**2 + v**2 ) ! Voellmy Salm rheology IF ( rheology_model .EQ. 1 ) THEN IF ( mod_vel .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) - ( u / mod_vel ) * & mu * h * ( - grav * grav3_surf ) forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) - ( v / mod_vel ) * & mu * h * ( - grav * grav3_surf ) END IF ! Loi de Coulomb ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 8 ) THEN forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) - mu * grav * ( - grav3_surf * h ) forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) - mu * grav * ( - grav3_surf * h ) ! Plastic rheology ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 2 ) THEN ! Temperature dependent rheology ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 3 ) THEN ! Lahars rheology (O'Brien 1993, FLO2D) ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 4 ) THEN h_threshold = 1.D-20 sed_vol_fract_cmplx = DCMPLX( sed_vol_perc*1.D-2 , 0.D0 ) ! Convert from mass fraction to volume fraction ! sed_vol_fract_cmplx = xs * gamma_w / ( xs * gamma_w + & ! ( DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0) - xs ) * gamma_s ) !IF ( xs .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN !WRITE(*,*) 'xs',xs !WRITE(*,*) 'sed_vol_fract',DBLE(sed_vol_fract_cmplx) !READ(*,*) !END IF ! Mixture density gamma_m = ( DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0) - sed_vol_fract_cmplx ) * gamma_w & + sed_vol_fract_cmplx * gamma_s ! Yield strength tau_y = alpha2 * CDEXP( beta2 * sed_vol_fract_cmplx ) IF ( h .GT. h_threshold ) THEN ! Yield slope component s_y = tau_y / ( gamma_m * h ) ELSE ! Yield slope component s_y = tau_y / ( gamma_m * h_threshold ) END IF IF ( mod_vel .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) - grav * h * ( u / mod_vel ) * s_y forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) - grav * h * ( v / mod_vel ) * s_y END IF ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 5 ) THEN ENDIF ENDIF IF ( temperature_flag ) THEN END IF IF ( present(c_qj) .AND. present(c_nh_semi_impl_term) ) THEN c_nh_semi_impl_term = forces_term ELSEIF ( present(r_qj) .AND. present(r_nh_semi_impl_term) ) THEN r_nh_semi_impl_term = DBLE( forces_term ) END IF END SUBROUTINE eval_nh_semi_impl_terms !****************************************************************************** !> \brief Explicit Forces term ! !> This subroutine evaluates the non-hyperbolic terms to be treated explicitely !> in the DIRK numerical scheme (e.g. gravity,source of mass). The sign of the !> terms is taken with the terms on the left-hand side of the equations. !> \date 01/06/2012 !> \param[in] qj conservative variables !> \param[out] expl_term explicit term !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE eval_expl_terms( Bj, Bprimej_x , Bprimej_y , source_xy , qj , & expl_term ) USE parameters_2d, ONLY : source_flag , vel_source , T_source IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bj REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bprimej_x REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bprimej_y REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: source_xy REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: qj(n_eqns) !< conservative variables REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: expl_term(n_eqns) !< explicit forces REAL*8 :: visc_heat_coeff expl_term(1:n_eqns) = 0.D0 CALL phys_var(Bj,r_qj = qj) IF ( source_flag ) expl_term(1) = - source_xy * vel_source expl_term(2) = grav * REAL(h) * Bprimej_x expl_term(3) = grav * REAL(h) * Bprimej_y IF ( temperature_flag .AND. source_flag ) THEN IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN expl_term(5) = - source_xy * vel_source * T_source ELSE expl_term(4) = - source_xy * vel_source * T_source END IF IF ( rheology_model .EQ. 3 ) THEN IF ( REAL(h) .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN ! Equation 10 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 visc_heat_coeff = emme * nu_ref / ( c_p * REAL(h) ) ELSE visc_heat_coeff = 0.D0 END IF IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN ! Viscous heating ! Last R.H.S. term in equation 4 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 expl_term(5) = expl_term(5) - visc_heat_coeff * ( REAL(u)**2 & + REAL(v)**2 ) * DEXP( - visc_par * ( REAL(T) - T_ref ) ) ELSE ! Viscous heating ! Last R.H.S. term in equation 4 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005 expl_term(4) = expl_term(4) - visc_heat_coeff * ( REAL(u)**2 & + REAL(v)**2 ) * DEXP( - visc_par * ( REAL(T) - T_ref ) ) END IF END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE eval_expl_terms END MODULE constitutive_2d