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             ! WRITE(*,*) ' u', REAL(u)


             ! Yield slope component
             s_y = tau_y / ( gamma_m * h_threshold )

             ! Viscous slope component
             s_v = Kappa * fluid_visc * mod_vel / ( 8.D0 * gamma_m *            &
                  h_threshold**2 )

             ! Turbulent dispersive components
             s_td = n_td**2 * (mod_vel**2) / ( h_threshold**(4.D0/3.D0) )

          END IF

          ! Total implicit friction slope
          s_f = s_v + s_td

          IF ( mod_vel .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN

             forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) - grav * h * ( u / mod_vel ) * s_f
             forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) - grav * h * ( v / mod_vel ) * s_f

          END IF

          !WRITE(*,*) 's_terms',DBLE(s_y), &
          !     DBLE(Kappa * fluid_visc / ( 8.D0 * gamma_m * h**2 )), &
          !     DBLE(n_td**2 / ( h**(4.D0/3.D0) ))

          !WRITE(*,*) 'grav*h',grav*h

          !WRITE(*,*) 'eval_nh',DBLE(u),DBLE(forces_term(2))

       ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 5 ) THEN

          tau = 1.D-3 / ( 1.D0 + 10.D0 * h ) * mod_vel

          IF ( DBLE(mod_vel) .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN

             forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) - tau * ( u / mod_vel )
             forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) - tau * ( v / mod_vel )

          END IF



    IF ( temperature_flag ) THEN

       CALL phys_var(Bj,c_qj = qj)

       IF ( REAL(h) .GT. 0.d0 ) THEN

          ! Equation 8 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005
          radiative_coeff = emissivity * SBconst * exp_area_fract / ( rho * c_p )


          radiative_coeff = 0.D0

       END IF

       IF ( REAL(T) .GT. T_env ) THEN

          ! First R.H.S. term in equation 4 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005
          radiative_term = - radiative_coeff * ( T**4 - T_env**4 )


          radiative_term = DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0)

       END IF

       IF ( REAL(h) .GT. 0.d0 ) THEN

          ! Equation 9 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005
          convective_coeff = atm_heat_transf_coeff * exp_area_fract             &
               / ( rho * c_p )


          convective_coeff = 0.D0

       END IF

       IF ( REAL(T) .GT. T_env ) THEN

          ! Second R.H.S. term in equation 4 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005
          convective_term = - convective_coeff * ( T - T_env )


          convective_term =  DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0)

       END IF

       IF ( REAL(h) .GT. h_threshold ) THEN

          thermal_diffusivity = thermal_conductivity / ( rho * c_p )

          ! Equation 7 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005
          conductive_coeff = enne * thermal_diffusivity / h


          conductive_coeff =  DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0)
          conductive_coeff = enne * thermal_diffusivity / DCMPLX(h_threshold,0.D0)

       END IF

       ! Third R.H.S. term in equation 4 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005
       IF ( REAL(T) .GT. T_ground ) THEN

          conductive_term = - conductive_coeff * ( T - T_ground )


           conductive_term = DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0)

        END IF

        IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN

           relaxation_term(5) = radiative_term + convective_term + conductive_term


           relaxation_term(4) = radiative_term + convective_term + conductive_term

        END IF

    END IF

    nh_term = relaxation_term + forces_term

    IF ( present(c_qj) .AND. present(c_nh_term_impl) ) THEN

       c_nh_term_impl = nh_term

    ELSEIF ( present(r_qj) .AND. present(r_nh_term_impl) ) THEN

       r_nh_term_impl = REAL( nh_term )

    END IF

  END SUBROUTINE eval_nonhyperbolic_terms

  !> \brief Non-Hyperbolic semi-implicit terms
  !> This subroutine evaluates the non-hyperbolic terms that are solved
  !> semi-implicitely by the solver. For example, any discontinuous term that
  !> appears in the friction terms.
  !> \date 20/01/2018
  !> \param[in]     c_qj            complex conservative variables
  !> \param[in]     r_qj            real conservative variables
  !> \param[out]    c_nh_term_impl  complex non-hyperbolic terms
  !> \param[out]    r_nh_term_impl  real non-hyperbolic terms

  SUBROUTINE eval_nh_semi_impl_terms( Bj , grav3_surf , c_qj ,                  &
       c_nh_semi_impl_term , r_qj , r_nh_semi_impl_term )

    USE parameters_2d, ONLY : sed_vol_perc


    REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bj
    REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: grav3_surf

    COMPLEX*16, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: c_qj(n_vars)
    COMPLEX*16, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: c_nh_semi_impl_term(n_eqns)
    REAL*8, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: r_qj(n_vars)
    REAL*8, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: r_nh_semi_impl_term(n_eqns)

    COMPLEX*16 :: qj(n_vars)

    COMPLEX*16 :: forces_term(n_eqns)

    INTEGER :: i

    COMPLEX*16 :: mod_vel

    REAL*8 :: h_threshold

    !--- Lahars rheology model variables

    !> Yield strenght
    COMPLEX*8 :: tau_y

    !> Sediment volume fraction
    COMPLEX*8 :: sed_vol_fract_cmplx

    !> Specific weight of sediment mixture
    COMPLEX*8 :: gamma_m

    !> Yield slope component of total friction
    COMPLEX*8 :: s_y

    IF ( present(c_qj) .AND. present(c_nh_semi_impl_term) ) THEN

       qj = c_qj

    ELSEIF ( present(r_qj) .AND. present(r_nh_semi_impl_term) ) THEN

       DO i = 1,n_vars

          qj(i) = DCMPLX( r_qj(i) )

       END DO


       WRITE(*,*) 'Constitutive, eval_fluxes: problem with arguments'

    END IF

    ! initialize and evaluate the forces terms
    forces_term(1:n_eqns) = DCMPLX(0.D0,0.D0)

    IF (rheology_flag) THEN

       CALL phys_var(Bj,c_qj = qj)

       mod_vel = CDSQRT( u**2 + v**2 )

       ! Voellmy Salm rheology
       IF ( rheology_model .EQ. 1 ) THEN

          IF ( mod_vel .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN

             forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) -  ( u / mod_vel ) *               &
                  mu * h * ( - grav * grav3_surf )

             forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) -  ( v / mod_vel ) *               &
                  mu * h * ( - grav * grav3_surf )

          END IF

          ! Loi de Coulomb
       ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 8 ) THEN

           forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) - mu * grav * ( - grav3_surf * h )
           forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) - mu * grav * ( - grav3_surf * h )

          ! Plastic rheology
       ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 2 ) THEN

       ! Temperature dependent rheology
       ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 3 ) THEN

       ! Lahars rheology (O'Brien 1993, FLO2D)
       ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 4 ) THEN

          h_threshold = 1.D-20

          sed_vol_fract_cmplx = DCMPLX( sed_vol_perc*1.D-2 , 0.D0 )

          ! Convert from mass fraction to volume fraction
          ! sed_vol_fract_cmplx = xs * gamma_w / ( xs * gamma_w +               &
          !                 (  DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0) - xs ) * gamma_s )

          !IF ( xs .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN

             !WRITE(*,*) 'xs',xs
             !WRITE(*,*) 'sed_vol_fract',DBLE(sed_vol_fract_cmplx)

          !END IF

          ! Mixture density
          gamma_m = ( DCMPLX(1.D0,0.D0) - sed_vol_fract_cmplx ) * gamma_w       &
               + sed_vol_fract_cmplx * gamma_s

          ! Yield strength
          tau_y = alpha2 * CDEXP( beta2 * sed_vol_fract_cmplx )

          IF ( h .GT. h_threshold ) THEN

             ! Yield slope component
             s_y = tau_y / ( gamma_m * h )


             ! Yield slope component
             s_y = tau_y / ( gamma_m * h_threshold )

          END IF

          IF ( mod_vel .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN

             forces_term(2) = forces_term(2) - grav * h * ( u / mod_vel ) * s_y
             forces_term(3) = forces_term(3) - grav * h * ( v / mod_vel ) * s_y

          END IF

       ELSEIF ( rheology_model .EQ. 5 ) THEN



    IF ( temperature_flag ) THEN

    END IF

    IF ( present(c_qj) .AND. present(c_nh_semi_impl_term) ) THEN

       c_nh_semi_impl_term = forces_term

    ELSEIF ( present(r_qj) .AND. present(r_nh_semi_impl_term) ) THEN

       r_nh_semi_impl_term = DBLE( forces_term )

    END IF

  END SUBROUTINE eval_nh_semi_impl_terms

  !> \brief Explicit Forces term
  !> This subroutine evaluates the non-hyperbolic terms to be treated explicitely
  !> in the DIRK numerical scheme (e.g. gravity,source of mass). The sign of the
  !> terms is taken with the terms on the left-hand side of the equations.
  !> \date 01/06/2012
  !> \param[in]     qj                 conservative variables
  !> \param[out]    expl_term          explicit term

  SUBROUTINE eval_expl_terms( Bj, Bprimej_x , Bprimej_y , source_xy , qj ,      &
       expl_term )

    USE parameters_2d, ONLY : source_flag , vel_source , T_source


    REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bj
    REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bprimej_x
    REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Bprimej_y
    REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: source_xy

    REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: qj(n_eqns)                 !< conservative variables
    REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: expl_term(n_eqns)         !< explicit forces

    REAL*8 :: visc_heat_coeff

    expl_term(1:n_eqns) = 0.D0

    CALL phys_var(Bj,r_qj = qj)

    IF ( source_flag ) expl_term(1) = - source_xy * vel_source

    expl_term(2) = grav * REAL(h) * Bprimej_x

    expl_term(3) = grav * REAL(h) * Bprimej_y

    IF ( temperature_flag .AND. source_flag ) THEN

       IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN

          expl_term(5) = - source_xy * vel_source * T_source


          expl_term(4) = - source_xy * vel_source * T_source

       END IF

       IF ( rheology_model .EQ. 3 ) THEN

          IF ( REAL(h) .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN

             ! Equation 10 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005
             visc_heat_coeff = emme * nu_ref / ( c_p * REAL(h) )


             visc_heat_coeff = 0.D0

          END IF

          IF ( solid_transport_flag ) THEN

             ! Viscous heating
             ! Last R.H.S. term in equation 4 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005
             expl_term(5) = expl_term(5) - visc_heat_coeff * ( REAL(u)**2          &
                  + REAL(v)**2 ) * DEXP( - visc_par * ( REAL(T) - T_ref ) )


             ! Viscous heating
             ! Last R.H.S. term in equation 4 from Costa & Macedonio, 2005
             expl_term(4) = expl_term(4) - visc_heat_coeff * ( REAL(u)**2          &
                  + REAL(v)**2 ) * DEXP( - visc_par * ( REAL(T) - T_ref ) )

          END IF

       END IF

    END IF

  END SUBROUTINE eval_expl_terms

END MODULE constitutive_2d