[A*] Decennal geomorphic transport from archived time series digitalelevation models: a cookbook for tropical and alpine environments
Lucas, A. & E. Gayer
under revision for IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, EEE GRSM-2021-0002
[A*] Morphometry and segmentation of the Cerberus Fossae fault system, Mars: implications on marsquake properties in Elysium Planitia
[A*] Morphometry and segmentation of the Cerberus Fossae fault system, Mars: implications on marsquake properties in Elysium Planitia
Perrin, C., Jacob, A.*, Lucas, A., Batov, A., Gudkova, T., Rodriguez, S., Lognonné, P., Stevanović, J., Drilleau, M. & Fuji, N.
Perrin, C., Jacob, A.*, Lucas, A., Batov, A., Gudkova, T., Rodriguez, S., Lognonné, P., Stevanović, J., Drilleau, M. & Fuji, N.
under revision, JGR Planets
under revision, JGR Planets
[A55] Science goals and new mission concepts for a future exploration of Titan’s atmosphere, geology and habitability: Titan POlar Scout/orbiteEr and In situ lake lander and DrONe explorer (POSEIDON)
Rodriguez S., ..., Lucas, A., et al.
Experimental Astronomy, arXiv:2110.10466, 2021
[A54] Decennial geomorphic transport from archived time series digital elevation models: a cookbook for tropical and alpine environments
Lucas, A. & E. Gayer
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, doi:10.1109/MGRS.2021.3121370, TechRxiv:10.36227/techrxiv.14828256, 2021
[A53] Thermal Emission of Saturn Icy MoonsImpact of Topography and Regolith Properties
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C. Ferrari, A. Lucas, S. Jacquemoud
C. Ferrari, A. Lucas, S. Jacquemoud
A&A, 2021
A&A, 2021
@@ -250,4 +254,4 @@ Comptes Rendus du 20e Congres Francais de Mecanique, Besancon, 2011
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[B1] Benchmark Excercices for Granular Flows
[B1] Benchmark Excercices for Granular Flows
A. Lucas, A. Mangeney, Bouchut F., Bristeau, M.O., Mege, D.
A. Lucas, A. Mangeney, Bouchut F., Bristeau, M.O., Mege, D.
Proceedings of the 2007 International Forum on Landslide Disaster Management, Hong-Kong, Vol.2, ISBN: 9627619302, 2007
Proceedings of the 2007 International Forum on Landslide Disaster Management, Hong-Kong, Vol.2, ISBN: 9627619302, 2007