[A*] Decennal geomorphic transport from archived time series digitalelevation models: a cookbook for tropical and alpine environments
Lucas, A. & E. Gayer
under review for IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, EEE GRSM-2021-0002
[A*] Seasonal Seismic Activity on Mars
Knapmeyer, M., S. C. Stähler, ... A. Lucas, et al.,
under review, EPSL
[A*] Subsurface structure around the InSight landing site: Compliance analysis for large convective vortices observed during one Martian year operation
Onodera, K., ..., A. Lucas, et al.
under review, BSSA
under review for BSSA
[A*] Decennal geomorphic transport from archived time series digitalelevation models: a cookbook for tropical and alpine environments
Lucas, A. & E. Gayer
under revision for IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, EEE GRSM-2021-0002
[A*] Morphometry and segmentation of the Cerberus Fossae fault system, Mars: implications on marsquake properties in Elysium Planitia
Perrin, C., Jacob, A.*, Lucas, A., Batov, A., Gudkova, T., Rodriguez, S., Lognonné, P., Stevanović, J., Drilleau, M. & Fuji, N.
under revision, JGR Planets
[A*] Thermal Emission of Saturn Icy MoonsImpact of Topography and Regolith Properties
[A53] Thermal Emission of Saturn Icy MoonsImpact of Topography and Regolith Properties
C. Ferrari, A. Lucas, S. Jacquemoud
under review, A&A
A&A, 2021
[A52] Seasonal Seismic Activity on Mars
Knapmeyer, M., S. C. Stähler, ... A. Lucas, et al.,
EPSL, 2021
[A51] Dynamics of recent landslides (<20 My) on Mars: Insights from high-resolution topography on Earth and Mars and numerical modelling
Guimpier A., S. J. Conway 1 , A. Mangeney, A. Lucas, et al.,
Planetary and Space Science, 2021
Planetary and Space Science,doi:10.1016/j.pss.2021.105303, 2021
[A50] Vortex-dominated aeolian activity at InSight's landing site, Part 1: Multi-instrument Observations, Analysis and Implications