[A*] Decennal geomorphic transport from archived time series digitalelevation models: a cookbook for tropical and alpine environments
Lucas, A. & E. Gayer
under review for IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, EEE GRSM-2021-0002
[A*] Seasonal Seismic Activity on Mars
Knapmeyer, M., S. C. Stähler, ... A. Lucas, et al.,
under review, EPSL
[A*] Subsurface structure around the InSight landing site: Compliance analysis for large convective vortices observed during one Martian year operation
[A*] Subsurface structure around the InSight landing site: Compliance analysis for large convective vortices observed during one Martian year operation
Onodera, K., ..., A. Lucas, et al.
Onodera, K., ..., A. Lucas, et al.
under review, BSSA
under review for BSSA
[A*] Decennal geomorphic transport from archived time series digitalelevation models: a cookbook for tropical and alpine environments
Lucas, A. & E. Gayer
under revision for IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, EEE GRSM-2021-0002
[A*] Morphometry and segmentation of the Cerberus Fossae fault system, Mars: implications on marsquake properties in Elysium Planitia
[A*] Morphometry and segmentation of the Cerberus Fossae fault system, Mars: implications on marsquake properties in Elysium Planitia
Perrin, C., Jacob, A.*, Lucas, A., Batov, A., Gudkova, T., Rodriguez, S., Lognonné, P., Stevanović, J., Drilleau, M. & Fuji, N.
Perrin, C., Jacob, A.*, Lucas, A., Batov, A., Gudkova, T., Rodriguez, S., Lognonné, P., Stevanović, J., Drilleau, M. & Fuji, N.
under revision, JGR Planets
under revision, JGR Planets
[A*] Thermal Emission of Saturn Icy MoonsImpact of Topography and Regolith Properties
[A53] Thermal Emission of Saturn Icy MoonsImpact of Topography and Regolith Properties
C. Ferrari, A. Lucas, S. Jacquemoud
C. Ferrari, A. Lucas, S. Jacquemoud
under review, A&A
A&A, 2021
[A52] Seasonal Seismic Activity on Mars
Knapmeyer, M., S. C. Stähler, ... A. Lucas, et al.,
EPSL, 2021
[A51] Dynamics of recent landslides (<20 My) on Mars: Insights from high-resolution topography on Earth and Mars and numerical modelling
[A51] Dynamics of recent landslides (<20 My) on Mars: Insights from high-resolution topography on Earth and Mars and numerical modelling
Guimpier A., S. J. Conway 1 , A. Mangeney, A. Lucas, et al.,
Guimpier A., S. J. Conway 1 , A. Mangeney, A. Lucas, et al.,
Planetary and Space Science, 2021
Planetary and Space Science,doi:10.1016/j.pss.2021.105303, 2021
[A50] Vortex-dominated aeolian activity at InSight's landing site, Part 1: Multi-instrument Observations, Analysis and Implications
[A50] Vortex-dominated aeolian activity at InSight's landing site, Part 1: Multi-instrument Observations, Analysis and Implications